Schedule of Fees and Tuition Contracts

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Schedule of Fees and Tuition Contracts

Our fee schedules are based on the child's age. All enrollment fees are due upon initial enrollment and to re-enroll if your child has been withdrawn for any reason.

Our fee schedule allows for a specific number of absences per term. This number is determined by your child's regular schedule. This includes all absences regardless of cause including illness, vacations, days with grandparents, holidays (when we are open), snow days, etc. These days will be accounted for by turning in an absence coupon to cover the missed day.

Coupons will be issued to you at the time of enrollment and at the beginning of the school and summer terms. If no coupon is turned in, you will be charged to the day as usual.

This policy applies to all care except hourly extended care students. All missed days beyond your allotment are subject to regular tuition fees.